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Randomly Misha

Being the Random Thoughts &tc of the Entity sometimes known as Misha

Welcome to My First Blog (take 2)

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I was right

(title refers to yesterday's post) When I got out of the car at work I noticed I had a text. From my internet provider who -- as this is...

at a loss for words

I say that. And now I'll type mostly many many many paragraphs about not knowing what to say. What can I say? It's a gift. So Hallowe'en...

Tuesday's theme is poop

Yesterday was . . . something. And there was poop. Not (too) gross, but . . . So how to explain yesterday and the recurring poop motif...

Thanks for waiting

I've been delinquent again. I know. Things fell apart and then I fell apart trying to hold everything together. You know what, I don't...

the lie of back-to-new-normal

I was really going to work on the lighter, funnier draft first, but I've decided this is a conversation I need to have with my boss on...

a mighty huntress squeaks

I kinda had a post idea in my head. I'm pretty sure it was about the continuing stink bug battle at home. Then I came to work. Holy...

Correlation or coincidence?

This is not about vaxxing or masks. I have my opinion (I'm right, of course). But today I want to discuss something far more important...

Happy Hobbit Day!

It's also the first day of fall. And feels like fall, which is nice tho rare in Kentucky. I normally celebrate Hobbit Day. At the very...

I'll make this quick

(Regular readers are thinking, "Yeah, right.") The cbd experiment continues. I've taken it every night before bed. I think I might try...

4:16 pm

If you've read even one other post on this blog then you've probably realized I'm rather stressed. For over week now I've been reading...

Up side: at least it's dead

Yesterday would have been TMI Friday except I had to delete extraneous apps so my phone could run an important update and so I couldn't...

a week in progress

Monday: It's Monday. It is what it is. Actually, I don't even remember Monday at this point. I think that was the morning the cat puked...

Sunday part 2

Obviously I didn’t really call it quits. I alternated slacking off and doing at least some of the chores that needed doing: dishes,...

Well, I’m exhausted

8:40 am. Sunday. I’m done. I’m back in a nightgown. I woke up too early from a wacky dream where Bestie and I were up to our usual...

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