Yesterday would have been TMI Friday except I had to delete extraneous apps so my phone could run an important update and so I couldn't blog from the couch where I was curled up in pain. I think it was diverticulosis (hopefully) or diverticulitis (not, fingers crossed). That started at 1:20 am and didn't really clear until mid-morning. It felt so much longer, as these things do. But by mid-afternoon I was ready for a fine lunch of broth -- which is what I have for lunch today, too, because I never got to the store yesterday. Yesterday I wasn't even really hungry; today I'm ready for a feast, but, alas, still no groceries. I plan to go very late tonight.
About the time the cramping eased a killer migraine settled in. It's still with me. So fun work Saturday. Stacy is equally grumpy and annoyed with irritating patrons, so I wouldn't recommend coming by until the others come out and we work in the back.
All of the couch time not doing anything on the to-do list freed my mind for lots of random thinking. I even remembered what Thursday's thing was before the bank thing overshadowed it.
Actually, I remembered while doing dishes. Just like I did dishes Thursday morning while the bread toasted for breakfast. <cue ominous horror movie-esque theme>
Scene: a bright Thursday morning in a typical suburban kitchen. A woman (that's me) stands at a white porcelain sink washing dishes. She wear a sleep tee, no glasses. So there was a black blob floating in a clear storage bowl, or possibly in the sink behind the clear storage bowl because I wasn't wearing glasses and I don't have great depth perception and especially not first thing in the morning. I jumped to the conclusion that it was an earwig because it rained and the temp dropped the day before, which is when earwigs in the front flower beds feel free to move inside even tho I will kill them as soon as I see them.
But it would have to be an exceptionally large earwig. Like the Kong of earwigs.
Wait, is it floating? Or swimming? Because earwigs drown (very easily, I know from my many earwig murder sprees).
No, it was not an earwig.
It was indeed swimming, or at least trying to save itself from drowning.
It was a large and rather leggy black spider.
Then it all gets full on horror movie, but comical like Army of Darkness, with me trying to chase down the spider using random kitchen items found in the sink, mostly dirty plates and silverware, and the spider scuttling and spider-paddling (like dog-paddling but weirder and with lots of legs) around the other dirty dishes, many of them transparent like storage bowls and glasses, but not all. Plus soapy water.
And then I lost it. I mean I could no longer see the big black leggy spider, not that I became even more insane. Tho knowing there's a wet and enraged big black leggy spider skittering somewhere in the house is reason to lose it in the insane sense.
I found it yesterday. I saw odd almost very thin kelp-like strands in the sink stopper. There's no reason why I would have kelp in my sink, so I was suspicious. I remembered the spider.
Those stoppers are really hard to pull up when you can't touch it and you're using a pot lid as a shield. The spider was dead underneath, long legs up through the holes of the stopper, clutching it in its final throes. Or just to be creepy.