I kinda had a post idea in my head. I'm pretty sure it was about the continuing stink bug battle at home.
Then I came to work.
Holy freakin' cow, to quote Galavant (season 2).
I started the day helping a man log on a computer. And open Word. And showed him how to "start a new line". And print (10¢. He paid with a $20 bill.). He was nice. And clearly hoped I would just offer to type his document for him. I'm not that nice. No way was I offering.
I spent most of the afternoon -- not hyperbole -- color printing on cardstock ("hard paper") several laaarge pdfs. 35¢/page and her total came to almost $70. That large. The thing is, your local library is not a print shop. They probably just have normal office printers, printers which jam on large files and totally choke on multi-page cardstock jobs. And your librarians know how to type in the basic word processing programs and change printer settings to "thick1" paper not because they've received any special training but because they have masters degrees and had to write and print a lot of papers.
Sorry. It's been a day. I had to get that off my chest. Thank you for your patience.
So Torii did not eat the stink bug Monday night. I know because it buzzed around last night -- tho it was smart enough to land only high on the walls. Torii was, and I'm sure still is, on super deluxe ultra high scarlet-crimson-vermillion alert. She ran around squeaking at everything -- at anything that might could possibly be a bug. (If you don't understand the squeaking, please read this post in which I introduce you to my wee demon cat. Also, there are cute cat pics.)
I'm sure there will be more stink bug hijinx at home tonight. But . . . I should have another package waiting for me, according to an e-mail. The pink flamingos and compression socks (truly wonderful and I wish I'd worn a pair today but noooo I shaved my legs and decided I was fancy and wore a skirt and I do not wear knee socks with a skirt since Catholic school thankyouverymuch) came Monday. Last night the black flamingos were waiting on my doorstep. (In the shipping box, not just "hey, we're your new black flamingos, welcome home, can we come in" altho that would have been so cool.) The only thing today's delivery could be is my new skeleton! I can't wait to dress it!
Of course I'll post pics -- of the flock* and the skeleton.
Ack. I haven't thought of a name for the skeleton. Because he was backordered and I wasn't expecting him for a few weeks. And let's face it, I'll have names and backstories for the flock in a few days. Or possibly by tomorrow.
Ok. One quick pic. So yesterday's flamingos arrived mummified. Or maybe they both recently had plastic surgery. Or get cold very easily. Anyway, they came out of the box like this
* They arrived separately but now they are integrated into one flock and so will not be referred to by color from this point on.