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Randomly Misha

Being the Random Thoughts &tc of the Entity sometimes known as Misha

Welcome to My First Blog (take 2)

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lunacy, a conversation

Torii drinks from special princess kitty fountain. me: Oh, hold on. I was going to fill that up. (Pours water into the bowl.) There,...

well, it’s done

Surgery went well on Thursday. I guess. I'm alive and I no longer have a gallbladder. As far as I know. I won't bore everyone with the...

Missing: Brain

I was going to make a missing pet poster but for my mind. Something about how I used to be able to think, and even tho I was no...

no sudden movements, no loud noises

Okay. I'm finishing day 3 of eating normally (no fat no grease no sugar no beef no cheese small amounts of food with plenty to drink...

move along. nothing to see here.

I'm fine. Well, I'm alive and mostly comfortable and home bonding with my demon (cat Torii to anyone new to this blog). The totally...

a dangerous new best friend

Last week was pancreatitis continued. I'll spare you. But I did have a couple of Deep Thoughts so I figured I'd catch up on those. One:...

Holding pattern

I'm home from the hospital! I came home on Saturday. I sort of remember Sunday. I did laundry. I feel like other stuff, too. Maybe? And...

at least my pancreas gets a vacation

I think it's a shame that doctors no longer prescribe a rest cure. I think medically sanctioned time away from work, family, and...

don’t blink

Today I realized the bunnies move like Weeping Angels (if you aren't familiar with how religious statuary moves per Doctor Who why are...

Sleep — it does a body good

Not really a Friday Deep Thought -- or maybe it is: I made my grocery list and my to-do list. I put "take a nap" on the list (to-do, not...

My Name Is Misha

Last week we left off in the middle of the terrible panic attack that had been brewing for some time. If you know your mid- to late-2000s...

It’s not a heart attack

That's my deep thought today. If your innards feel as wobbly and unstable as a southern jello-based dessert. A jello dessert that's...

Waiting for the storms to pass

The top I'm wearing -- one of my faves -- is definitely less tight than it's been for the last year. So yay! I've lost maybe an inch off...

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