Today I'm having one of those days. I don't know if it's because the electricity went out just as I was stepping in the shower (this throwing off my whole morning routine) or because I didn't adhere to my meds' dictatorial food stipulations (because my whole morning routine was thrown off by the electric outage). Whatever the reason, I've taken several extra steps to accomplish every task and I've had to verbally walk myself through each step and I've still had to redo everything at least twice.
For reasons, the Kentucky General Assembly is probably going to vote to drop state income tax. The GA has also decided that public libraries are actual retail markets selling such things as photocopies. So coin-operated copiers and printers and faxing are taxable sales, not non-taxable services. And it's entirely coincidental that the GA is addressing these two issues in the same sessions and our elected representatives are absolutely not trying to use public libraries to make up the budget shortages from the no income tax plan.
Which is all irrelevant background info except it explains why I counted the till when it was already really obvious by 10:00 am that I should just sit very still in a corner all day. Because Stacy needed to program the cash register to add the tax onto everything we ring up except overdue fines. Stacy is off on Wednesdays, so I cashed out the till for the week (yes, we take in so little cash that we only do it once a week, so good luck funding road repairs and just keeping the lights on in the capital, GA) today. And it was off in weird ways, but it almost always is, and at least we were over, so whatever.
The problem came when I took the deposit to the bank. Problems.
I had the deposit. And the other deposit, two checks that the director meant to take yesterday but didn't so she gave them to me today. And the keys to the library van. (It's not worth the gas reimbursement paperwork for 1.78 miles round trip. But gas is gas. So I don't drive my car.) I couldn't find my keys, tho, and had to work out -- out loud -- driving to work this morning (used keys) and getting in the staff door (propped it open so didn't use keys) but I wore a coat (keys in pocket). Of course I could still get back in the building without my keys since it is a public library and the front door just opens for anyone.
Deposit + deposit + keys + keys. I walk to the van. And realize that it's almost 12:30 so as soon as I get back from the bank I'll have to drive to the deli for lunch (I didn't know how long the electric outage at home would last since the electric company didn't know how long the outage would last so I didn't want to open the refrigerator unnecessarily just in case it took all morning -- which it did -- so I decided to just buy lunch today). The deli and the bank are in the same strip mall.
Using a public library vehicle for a personal errand generates a ridiculous number of call-ins from the public. Seriously. Someone sees me get a club sandwich while driving the very brightly-colored van with the library logo and the calls will start before I even get back to work.
Deposits + keys and I should drive my own car. Okay. So I went back to my car which was parked just outside of the staff entrance. Whatever. I drove. And parked. At the deli.
Backed out of the parking spot. Drove on to the bank because no way I was waiting inside for my club with the bank bag ($180 cash + $35,000 check) out in my car. Parked at the bank. Remembered I hadn't checked the backs of the checks the director gave me because the new company that bought out the bank won't accept the checks if they're not stamped "For Deposit Only". Checks are not stamped.
Backed out of yet another parking spot without actually doing the errand I went for. And really d^mn glad I'm in a civilian VW and not the logo'd van. I'm just a random crazy person, not an official representative of a local government agency.
Drove back to the library. Returned the van keys since I'm not driving the van. Stamped the two checks. Back to the bank, chanting, "Bank bank bank bank no deli bank bank." Deposits deposited. Drove to the other end of the strip mall, bought my d^mn club sandwich (and a jar of Amish pumpkin butter which I've always wanted to try). And finally back to the library, deposit slips to the bookkeeper, and I finally finally ate the sandwich.
It's been a loooooooong a## day.
I still have an hour at work and then the hour (please dear sweet Lord no interstate madness tonight) drive home.
Fingers crossed the food in the freezer is still good. And that tomorrow is a little smoother.