Torii drinks from special princess kitty fountain.
me: Oh, hold on. I was going to fill that up. (Pours water into the bowl.) There, plenty for Torii to drink.
Torii: squeak
me: Well, of course it's water.
Torii: squeak
me: What did you think you were getting? Kool-Aid?
Torii: squeak squeak meow squeak
me: I'm not giving you Kool-Aid unless the says it's okay. So next time we go to the vet you ask if you can have Kool-Aid. If they say you can have Kool-Aid we'll see about getting you some Kool-Aid. But you have to ask.
Torii: squeak
me: You have to remember to ask the vet, tho. Clearly we can't rely on my brain. I'm having an extended conversation about Kool-Aid with a cat.
I wish this was an exaggeration. It's not. This is actual verbatim discussion we had while I stirred macaroni and cheese.
It's been a week since surgery. Can I still blame the anesthesia for general brain weirdness?
In other news, I started taking an online course toward a professional certificate in data analytics. I'm actually doing homework right now: tracking data on how I spend my leisure time.
(I'm just going to call this "online", instead of "typed transcript of real conversation with cat about beverage options for her pet fountain." These people don't know how nuts I am and don't need to know.)
p.s. As always, this is not a paid advertisement. I do not in any way endorse Kool-Aid over water or any other beverage. I don't know why I brought up Kool-Aid with Torii. I really regret it after typing it so many times.
p.p.s. I don't know if data analytics is really what I'm interested in. I'm open to suggestions.