czarinamishaNov 24, 20228 min readIt’s a Singleton’s ThanksgivingI'm home with wee demon today. I normally have Thanksgiving with my immediate family, but they decided to eat at my aunt and uncle's up...
czarinamishaOct 2, 20221 min readtoday islaundry-make lunches for the week-replace electric toothbrush head-replace furnace filter-clean cat fountain-replace cat fountain...
czarinamishaSep 30, 20222 min readSh^t, I published this as “Untitled”. What can I call it? Any suggestions? Hello?I know. It's been a bit. I've been out of commission. No, I wasn't hit by a bus or anything. I've been . . . breathing. eating. sleeping...
czarinamishaAug 19, 20223 min readI’m feeling, oh what’s it called, the opposite of dread and despairI started today with a plan of action for the day. Nothing fancy. But an actual honest-to-God plan. It evolved somewhat from the original...
czarinamishaMay 20, 20224 min readAnnnnnd I’m doneThere’s a lot in my head, but it’s all jumbled. I have too many feels and I literally feel too much. Even my best favorist clothes feel,...
czarinamishaMay 10, 20222 min readStill a struggle, but then there are, well, whatever today wasIf you’re not a librarian, it’s May. School is almost over. It’s time for summer vacations and pools and cookouts and mosquitoes . . . If...
czarinamishaMay 6, 20223 min read111111If you’ve been reading this regularly you know I’ve struggled. So I’m not going to waste time on the various problems. They’re not that...
czarinamishaMay 12, 20214 min readreal title goes hereAck! I started a post and I guess I didn't save it -- altho I think the site sometimes automatically saves my in progress oop I have to...