It's been a usual week at work, we've had the usual "we'll take a little of each, thanx" weather. I've been doing my morning exercise and guided sleep meditation at night. Nothing even vaguely fun or funny.
Today was miscellaneous medical appointments day. My blood pressure was crazy high, higher than it's been so far. So the exercise bike and more good foods / less bad foods and deep breathing and relaxation blah blah blah has done nothing. I can't even blame driving in Lexington because I really didn't have any problems getting to or parking at first medical office. So I started the lisinopril (ohemgee I wish you could see autocorrect's suggestions) as soon as I got home.
But before I got home I still needed to do the shopping and get the thyroid follow-up blood test.
Kroger number one, which I chose because it is far lesd crowded mid-morning, had grapes. That's it. That's everything from my list I found. So I abandoned my cart and pound or so of grapes and left.
I didn't know how long I'd have to wait at second medical office for the blood test, so I decided better I should do that and then my local Kroger (since I'd already missed the not crazy busy time of 6-8 am). Blood test compete (only two sticks this time!) and on to groceries.
Which I still haven't gotten. I couldn't find a parking space within the same zip code as Kroger number two. Okay, it's an exaggeration, but not as much as you'd think. Not for just before 11 am on a weekday. I circled. I was tired, annoyed, my hand hurt (the second stick was in the back of my hand, we skipped the right arm entirely), and I had to pee. I drove.
Home. Where the heart and the lisinopril are.
I'm eating crackers because that really is about all I have without doing something crazy like making bread. I'm going to order a pizza or three (to see me through until I can try the store again early Sunday morning) and generally feel pathetic and probably stream a movie. Torii is on my lap, and possibly on my crackers, too, so I doubt I'll wallow too much.
At least not until I check my bank balance.
p.s. They're fancy water crackers like for serving cheese and crackers to guests. Charcuterie board crackers.