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If it’s Sunday, I must be surrounded by tulle


I won't keep y'all in suspense. I did trim my hair and I did shave my legs. I know those ssues are the main reason most of you are reading today's post. It just seemed mean to wait to the end to address them.

It's cool if you stop reading now.

The peacock is coming along well. I have a wearable skirt even if I do nothing else with it. There's more work to do on it and the top, but if god forbid something happened and I couldn't sew another stitch, I'd still have a costume for Hallowe'en. There would just be several safety pins.

Hallowe'en is a week from tomorrow, beeteedubs.

Speaking of -- there's finally rain in the forecast (and ohemgee does it feel weird to be looking forward to rain in October in Kentucky) and it's next Friday to Monday. Of course only a total noob frets over a Kentucky forecast for farther out than the next 72 hours. And that's really pushing it.

It's in the 70s now. I fought it all weekend, but I broke down and switched back to a/c.

I got the first results from Friday's blood work. It's just the actual breakdown of the blood itself. Red cell count, white cell count, etc. Not the exciting glucose and cholesterol and whatnot. I'm pretty much smack dab middle of normal zone for most things with two abnormalities. Which of course I had to research (thank you Cleveland anf Mayo clinics).

RDW% is low: my red blood cells are uniform size, which is good, but it's still possible to have a blood-related disease. So, um, good overall, I guess.

Basophil Rel% is right on the normal/high line: something to do with white blood cell production. If it's unusually high (which it's not, just very very high end of okay) it could be a sign of a serious infection or autoimmune disease. I feel like crap, but that's a far cry from leukemia so probably nothing.

It looks like all of my results just popped up in MyChart. I'm betting there's nothing in my blood to account for my exhaustion. I really didn't expect anything. I know it's anxiety creeping ever closer to depression. But we need to eliminate effed up thyroid and lupus. I get it.

So I guess I'm spending the rest of the evening on the good medical sites over-analyzing my results. I'll let you know if there is something interesting, but don't wait up.

While I'm thanking random corporations for odd reasons, a quick shout out to the drive-thru cbd (and coffee) place I mentioned a few weeks ago. Far Out Apothecary. Their labels don't wrap completely around the bottle. There a sliver of a gap where I can see the level of the tincture. The place I was going to, their labels completely wrap the bottle, which is dark brown, so I was never sure, beyond a vague idea that I was probably running low, how much was left.

It's the little things, y'all.

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