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a little lightheaded


Sorry, I’m still a little discombobulated. I fell asleep after work. Like seriously deep sleep. I was cuddling Huggie Kitty which was set to basic purr. And I was out.

Torii’s auto feeder woke me. It was greyish light out of the window. Clock said a few minutes after 7. So I panicked because I thought it was Saturday morning and I obviously hadn’t set the alarm even tho I remembered doing it but at least I woke only a few minutes late except the feeder breakfast is 7:45(ish) because BreakfastBot 3000 is really great except at telling time it’s already a few minutes off since I reset it at the start of Daylight Savings.

At that point in my internal dialogue I was finally awake enough to grasp that I’d already been to work and now it was 7(ish) pm.

I had a post idea before I fell asleep. At least it was just the “hey I should write about” stage and not mentally fully composed because it is gone. I lost the idea and several thousand brain cells in that abrupt waking.

This whole last week I feel like I’ve lost brain cells. Not old, dead ones sloughing off naturally (I assume aging brain cells are like dead skin). I’m losing high-functioning, hard-working brain cells. I’m killing them with seriously intensive deep-thought work. I’m working my brain to death. I am quantifiably dumber on the drive from than the drive to work.

Or at least that’s what it feels like.

The library is getting a brand new shiny website. Very spiffy. It goes live the second week of June. So real damn soon. And there are problems, mostly little things but a few big effing messes. Like seriously big what-the-f^ck issues that make me wonder if this company has ever actually made a library website before. I know they have. I’ve seen their work.

Anyway, we’re trying to identify the problems and explain them to our new website contact and too many of the fixes just lead to new problems. One of my coworkers has been going through every page, every link. She has a huge running list of what-the-heys. I’m focusing on the databases and other online resources which are kind of a big deal on a library website and is definitely what’s making me think this company which is 100% library industry has never actually made or even seen a library website before.

I had a nightmare about the databases page a couple of weeks ago.

And we’ve got other tech issues going on that would be even duller for you to read about. (And how is that even possible you wonder.) Summer reading starts June 1st. There’s a lot happening. I’ll just say it’s all def contributing to my mass brain cell death.

Which makes me wonder — possibly because of so much recent excessive brain cell loss — how much weight does one lose when brain cells die?

No, really. That was a weird lighthearted jokey thing I heard a lot when I worked at the local blood center. “Donate blood and lose a pound.” Yeah, it’s an odd overstatement kind of warping the reality of the situation just a tad. But people actually said it. To potential blood donors. To entice them to donate blood.

Now obviously brain cells are tiny and (I’m just guessing here) weigh nothing compared to iron-rich red blood cells in fluid. (Note: I’m pretty sure any weight you lose donating blood is from the fluid loss, not the red cells no matter how high your hemoglobin level. I base this on absolutely no actual science at all. If it isn’t glaringly obvious already, I have zero medical background.)

Anyway. Bain cells — tiny, lightweight. So just how many, on average ballpark figure guesstimate, equals a pound?

Because like I said, I am killing them by the barrel full lately. And I’d like to see some good from it. Some silver lining sort of thing. Mostly I’d like to know the brain cell loss is balancing out all of the manic stress eating. Zero growth, as it were.

I probably need a nap.

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