Just a quickie while I'm thinking of it -- because we've seen what happens when I don't write things down at the time.
It's Sunday, so that means my usual Sunday chores of laundry and making something I can divide into lunches for the week and playing sudoku on my phone while promising myself I will get up and <fill in productive household task> as soon as I finish this game.
I'm making pasties for next week. I make very yummy pasties, but they look like sh*t. I will never win a coveted handshake (what the eff is that all about anyway?!) on a celebrated British baking program. I've been getting the bits ready over the entire day. Prep and roast veggies. Watch second ep of a three-part British mystery show. Bake chicken. Watch final ep of British mystery show and feel quite brilliant for guessing whodunnit before the tv detective. Finally assemble and bake pasties.
I'm watching a British stand-up special on Netflix, because why break the theme now? And I'm snacking on chips. The pasties are done, cooling on the tray (meaning I can't be bothered to put them in their containers so they're all ready to go, fridge to lunchbag, in the mornings). And there's the package of hamburger I've had thawing in the fridge. And I do want to make tacos as per the original plan, but it's already so late because I slept after being awake 3:30 - 7:30 am and the day just got away from me and I've truly been surprised every time I've looked at a clock and it's always at least a couple of hours later than I think it is, so ohemgee how f^cking late is it by now?!?!
It's 5:30 pm.
Okay, maybe not too late to make supper.
And it's been like this all week with our ridiculous time change nonsense. I've never had this problem before. Yeah I'll look outside after daylight savings ends or begins and think it seems ridiculously dark or bright so early (as the case may be) and I'll curse the foolishness of it all. But I've never been one of those people who think it must be almost midnight when the sun sets at 4:30 in November. So why now?
Because the last weeks before daylight savings ended this year were clear and sunny and warm. It never looked or felt like autumn. Kentucky October is often build-an-ark weather. Even when we don't have daily flood warnings, it's still overcast. It might still be 70s, at least in between a few 40s days, but there's little direct sunlight. So the days leading up to "fall back" are usually already dark by 5:00 or 6:00. Or maybe even by 2:00. You barely even notice the change.
Except this year. We, I got used to sunshine all day and even into the early evening. I didn't realize until suddenly it's insanely sunny before I need to get up and feels like midnight at 5:30 pm.
That's my brilliant realization for today. Now please excuse me; I need to cook supper before it really is midnight.