I’m blogging from sunny West Virginia. It’s very pleasant here up in the mountains above the humidity. Renaissance festival is today (and possibly tomorrow if I survive).
Yesterday I got the MRI results . . . and this. It’s a soft cast and fancy schmancy boot. I have to go back to the ankle & foot office every week to have the cast changed. For three to four months.
I have a special bag to protect the cast (I guess some medical supply company realized people use a trash bag and saw a market) in the shower. Or in the pool, as the package for the special bag clearly shows a girl swimming in her special bag.
While wearing her special bag. Not swimming inside the bag. You know what, I’m pretty sure you knew what I meant.
It should be a fine day as long as I’m careful and don’t try anything fancy like standing up from a very low position (from a bale of hay or rough wooden bench for example) or walk up a very steep hill.
Anyway, time to shower and try out my special cast protector bag.