So it's been <quick check of posts list> about six weeks since my last post. I mean post. Honest. I compose posts -- really funny humdingers -- in my head at least a couple of times a week.
And thenI don't write them here where those of you who live outside of my head can read them. I don't know why I don't write them. Wsit, yes I do. I compose them. Annnnnd then I forget them.
They're gone. Not comin' back. His-tor-y.
So let's just all agree they were the wittiest, pithiest, most brilliant blog posts ever and start again.
Today was my birthday. 54. The fifties ate getting easier to say out loud, but they stil don't seem right.
The Wee Demon left me two prezzies this morning before work. I had to hop to the bathroom for a quick foot wash after I walked through the second. There was actual construction happening on the interstate coming home after work.
But I finally found my fave purple shirt. Coworker made super delicious brownies with chunks of dark chocolate for me. And I had tacos for supper. And it's Mardi Gras, y'all!
Despite the dicey start, I win.