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I meant to post yesterday to brag about actually getting out and doing social stuff on my day off. But I did social stuff on my day off and I was exhausted when I was finally done for the day. But I'm still bragging because I:

  1. planned to do stuff, and

  2. did not cancel but actually did the planned stuff. All of the planned stuff.

I had a Friday deep thought to share as well, but I have no idea what it was. I finished a biography of Janis Joplin for summer reading. I've had "Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz" stuck in my head all day.

Only the first verse because that's all I can remember at my current brain cell count.

Considering the rest of Pearl, I'm glad "Mercedes Benz" was the last song she recorded. I mean, I wish Janis hadn't died at 27 and had recorded and performed for many many more years. It's just, her version of "Mercedes Benz" was goofier than the original and I'm glad she left us with goofy at the end. I'm not explaining myself well. Hopefully you can decipher me.

Anyway. Did social stuff outside my close friend circle (yoga and scrapbooking). Paid off my credit card (immediately ordered two zero gravity chairs for the backyard, but they were on sale). Making plans with Shaina and maybe others to attend grown-up social thing in September.

Who am I?

The downside is I didn't do any Friday chores on Friday, so tomorrow will be another busy, exhausting, sweaty day.

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