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The Amazing Return of Princess Purplemouse


For new readers or anyone (including me) who doesn’t want to scroll through the archived posts:

I adopted my Wee Demon Thanksgiving week 2018. I got her a package of felt mice for Christmas that year. There were six meeces, each a ridiculously bright color. I gave then to her one at a time, mostly because when she needed something to play with and I hadn’t seen the others for awhile.

The purple mousie, named Princess Purplemouse because I give inanimate objects silly names (and sometimes backstories). Her highness often disappeared for long periods until one day I thought about it and couldn’t remember when I’d last seen her. She had utterly vanished by the end of 2019.

I assumed she would turn up. The other meeces would always go for random periods only to come back days/weeks/months later. But never Princess Purplemouse.

(Ha! Autofill just suggested “Purplemouse” for me. The AI is finally learning.)

I found all of the various meeces and other toys this spring when I rearranged and cleaned every effing room in this house. Not Princess Purplemouse. I accepted that she must have gone down one of the older vents (my 1930s house has both old iron grill and modern slat floor vents and it doesn’t take much effort to shift the old ones enough to expose the vent).

Today, September of 2022, three years since she was last seen, I found Princess Purplemouse tucked between bottles of cleaners in the bathroom. I don’t know if she’s been there this whole time; I think not. She’s barely purple now her felt is so worn, and her stuffing is coming out.

I found her because this past week has been just terrible at work and I had another gastro episode today. Well, a couple of episodes. And I was kneeling beside the toilet not sure if I was done or not and I decided I might as well clean the toilet since I was down there already and I pulled out miscellaneous cleaners from the lower shelf of the small table I keep in there in lieu of a vanity cabinet. And there was the sort of purple but mostly grey blob of our dear missing mousie.

Torii was so excited to see her. They played for almost a whole minute before the wee demon got bored and wandered off.

A happy day indeed! (except for the puking).

p.s. I did not actually clean the toilet. Turns out I had several just-about-empty bottles of cleaners on the shelf. And I dry heaved and cramped when I finished puking so I just crawled (not literally) to the couch. And now I can tell the anti-nausea med I took (and feared I lost down the toilet) is finally kicking in like 90 mibutes ltaer, at least the dizziness and sleepingnss because I’m typing gibbonsness and I thinks I’m catch and correcting most of it ad I go mayor not and I rraly should jist stop typ

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