No, really. And, no, this isn't a Saul on the road to Damascus conversion post. This is an I really wasn't sure what day it was post. Regular readers can attest this isn't the first post of its kind.
9:55 am about to get in the shower and suddenly some neuron in the back of my brain said, "Is today Monday?" Man, I hate that guy.
To my credit I didn't immediately run for something with an electronic brain that would probably know, somehow dropping/tripping on my towel, scaring the cat, tripping on the cat, banging into several walls, wrenching some odd muscle trying to not fall on my face, and probably end up on the floor new bruises already blossoming and briefly pinned by the folding table which is determined to break my foot and won't tell me what I did to make it so angry and hateful. I reasoned that if it was actually Monday and I am due at work at 10:00 in five minutes and it takes about an hour from my house to the library and I'm just getting in the shower, well, clearly I'm going to be late so I should just shower in peace and really appreciate the hot water on my sore shoulder and the shampoo foaming up in my hair because once I step back onto the hath mat it'll be hell on earth panic.
You can understand my title now.
It's Sunday, and, more importantly, it's not Monday.
I can enjoy my second mug of hot coffee. I can read another short story in this collection I've got, or work a crossword. I can really massage in the lotion on my super dry skin. I even have time to get in today's exercise bike time. (Two-day streak is still the run to beat. And today would be <quickly counting on fingers> second day in a row.)
No panic necessary.
p.s. (Yes, that was the whole post. No wonderfully witty wrap-up.) I briefly had "Does anyone know what day it is?" stuck in my head, then realized it's time not day, which is good because I'm just not a Chicago fan, which is probably why I had the lyric wrong.
p.p.s. There's nothing wrong with Chicago. They all seem competent musicians. Their songs just don't do anything for me. I don't hate their mysic, but I will change the channel looking for something better. If anyone in the group stumbles on this blog and reads and decides "meh," that's fair. This isn't the start of some midwest-less midwest like more southern/midwest borderland throw down.