Ok, no you didn't. But here's the breakdown anyway.
what I'm wearing: Batgirl nightgown
adulting level: fail
what I'm cooking: barbecue chicken in the slow cooker, roasted veggies (broccoli, carrots, and some kind of froufrou organic lavender corn) baked into pasties (no gravy, just a little butter and seasoning. also, I'm only doing pasties because a few months ago I bought a 2-pack of premade pastry and it's about to expire. and I only bought it because I am so flippin' tired of making puff pastry from scratch, covid, and I thought I might make pot pies for my work lunches. but then I didn't. obviously. so. almost expired pastry.)
adulting level: A
what I'm doing: laundry, binging Doctor Who (13th Doctor)
adulting level: eh, kind of a wash. C+ at best
what I should be doing: mowing the yard, which I'm not doing because it was supposed to rain all day today, actually it should have started late last night. so I specifically earmarked today for Doctor Who and maybe a little sewing. also, I did waaaaay too much yard work on Friday, and ok I'm not as sore today as I was yesterday, but I don't wanna go back out there. so I'm wasting time typing this post so that, oh no, I was all set to go out and mow and now it's pouring, well, nothing for it. also, a ridiculously short (seriously, not recommended for anyone over 5'1" and I'm 5'7") Batgirl nightgown really isn't appropriate for mowing.
and I have a weeding rash on both legs (worst around the right ankle) and I think on the back of my neck. so, yeah, I'm done with you, "great" outdoors.
adulting level: do I even have to say? really?
I think when I first decided to write this I maybe had some kind of ending for it. Nothing fancy. Nothing witty or insightful. Not even an especially nice turn of phrase. but, you know, something.