1. I'm coining the phrase "straight from the cat's gullet." It refers to the very latest most absolutely current up-to-the-second news -- with a negative or unpleasant connotation. If you have ever had a cat you know what I mean.
2. I am tired of sneezing. Really really so very really tired of sneezing. Sure it's a great abdominal workout, but I need a break. I know there's crazy floods and extreme heatwaves and contaminated air all over the US, but here in Kentucky we're suffering from . . . perfect growing weather. Which sounds lovely, but think about pollen. Ohemgee the frickin' pollen. There's so much pollen that people who don't have allergies are sneezing, coughing, and asking for someone to feel their forehead because they must be getting a cold or something, no it can't be allergies because they don't get hayfever. The bastards.
3. Case in point: the weather is so ideal for plant growth (all of the plants) that my lunch salad included lettuce I grew. It's so f@&%ing perfect that even I can't kill my garden.
There you have it. My week. Straight from the cat's gullet. (I had more -- of course -- but I sneezed out most of my ideas.)