I don’t even know how to describe today at work. I was there. I didn’t maim anyone.
But rather than wallow in a long narration of annoying events, I have a question. Do I chill with something fluffy, maybe animated? Or maybe weird and goofy, like possibly fish fingers and custard? Or Desk Set, a movie about how awesome yet irritating it is to be a librarian, especially when a snippy bitch pooh-poohs a librarian’s research zenness?
Desk Set is usually one of my Christmas standards, but I forgot all about it until yesterday or maybe Monday or maybe Sunday night, I’m not really sure because it’s all just mushing together in my head this week. But it’s a great movie and I love Katherine Hepburn as the avatar of librarianism even if her character is named Bunny. I’m just afraid I won’t enjoy it as much tonight after this day of gah.
Vote here.
Yeah, I’m not really going to put in a voting link to tally responses. One: because I just can’t be bothered. Two: because there won’t be any responses because I’m pretty much just talking to myself here.
p.s. I just looked for my phone and didn’t see it on the armrest because it is in my hand as I type this on it. This isn’t where I planned to end this post but obviously it’s where I should end it.
“Good night and thank you, whoever.” I have no idea why I’m quoting one line from a song from Evita.