I’m still extra super sore from Friday’s marathon weeding. It’s that sorer two days after than the day after strenuous activity sore. So I’m actually much sorer today than yesterday. I wish I coul just detach my right arm and just let it rest in bed all day.
I decided necessary indoor only activities today. Laundry. Roast chicken and veggies for the week’s lunches. Nothing to strain or pull anything else.
So I started the morning by tripping into an ottoman and smacking a toe — one toe only and not even an end one. It’s a little swollen, a bit grayish-purple. Minor foot injury compared to what I’ve done in the past.
Then I tried to move a pan on the stovetop. I wasn’t expecting the handle to be hot. Despite encountering this issue before with pans sitting towards the back of the stove getting really really hot when the oven is on. Like when I’ve had the broiler on to roast veggies. Again, a fairly minor injury. No blistering. Not that level of burn at all.
I do wonder, considering all of these simple finger burns plus all of the craft-related abrasions over the years — how do I still have fingerprints. Obviously it is much harder to burn, scrape, and/or sand them off than crine dramas woukd have us think.