So I just realized that today is Fridays and I started the Deep Thoughts Friday feature. I've had a week to pull together all of my deepest, most philosophical musings and select the best for today's post.
The number of episodes in a season of Taco Chronicles will never line up with the number of reasonably-sized taco meals I can make. Seriously. It's worse than 10-count hot dogs and 8-count buns. For me, one pound of hamburger equal three meals plus a puny bit that isn't worth the trouble of tacoing* so I end up adding to mac n cheese or cheese fries, or just reheating and eating out of a bowl using a tortilla chip as a spoon. There are eight episodes per season.
"Can't you just watch Taco Chronicles without eating tacos?" you ask. Are you nuts?! No. Next you'll say it's possible to watch Wallace & Gromet without a block of cheese.
Now you're saying, "But RandomlyMisha, I was expecting, if not Descartes, something a bit deeper than taco disparity."
Yeah, well, I'm sure I had thoughts this past week, I mean at least a few. But I spent the morning (still) trying to find a globe for my mom. And there's been a flurry of family emails and texts trying to coordinate supper and Southern Lights with my SIL's father. (Final decision: locally owned Italian restaurant and Jim isn't interested in Southern Lights.) So I'm doing good to remember my name. I nearly forgot I bought more hamburger so I could make tacos and continue with Taco Chronicles season 3.
Also, according to giant online retailer (you know who you are) the final part of my Christmas order was out for delivery and then . . . something. It isn't coming today. Maybe tomorrow. Probably by Wednesday. Almost definitely. So I don't know if a delivery truck was hijacked or the driver realized it was never loaded or the nearly-sentient AI order system felt it should have been delivered today but the nearly-sentient delivery vehicle thought I could wait a few more days.
Skynet: where the future is today and it's a nightmare. Or at least a giant pain in the A.
*turning into a taco. So it's not a real word. It should be.