Yesterday morning:
Huh. I haven't seen Torii's (current) fave mousie for, oh several hours, maybe not since last night even. I wonder where it's gone?
Then this morning:
Mousie and I agree it is filthy (the mousie, not the tub, altho obviously the tub could use a good clean, too). I really want to put mousie in the laundry this weekend.
I don't think Torii is on board with mousie bath-time.
Bonus Post: Wednesday Thoughts
I had several random mismatched ideas that I planned to blog on Wednesday. It's Saturday. I've lost at least half of what I meant to write. So you get this bonus post while I can remember anything.
I was in a car accident many years ago. I saw, out of the corner of my eye, the van shooting up the steep driveway and I pulled the steering wheel. So instead of having a van hitting the driver’s side straight on, I basically was grazed. Which means I jerked side to side. I assume I looked like a Looney Tunes to witnesses. No head injury, but I hit my left knee hard on the door. Emergency room. Doc was 100% an ass, convinced I was making a fuss over nothing. They cut me out of my leggings and my left knee was already coloring and was ginormous to boot. On to x-ray, then back to ER. I’m waiting waiting waiting for the results and it’s been a couple of hours and I have to pee. Doc’s vibe of “she’s faking” spread to the whole ER team. So the nurse or nurse’s aide points down the corridor to the bathroom. And I limp and hobble and pull myself along using the safety bar on the wall until a mile later, which was really maybe 20 feet, my knee completely gives out under me and I hit the floor and then there are a dozen hospital staff all helping me up and into a wheelchair and getting me to the bathroom. The car accident could have been so much worse but I’ve always thought the real miracle that day was that I didn’t lose bladder control when I hit the floor. And maybe half an hour after I was back in the ER cubby the x-ray results came and ta-da I had a broken knee. Doc Ass tried to say it really could have happened any time it wasn’t necessarily from the accident. Whatever, dude. I explained that my knee wasn’t the size of a mutant watermelon and I could walk when I left home that morning. And we never spoke again. I feel like that lately, metaphorically of course, psychologically speaking. I . . . function. I pull myself along with the safety bar. But I know it’s not sustainable. I know I’ll be on my fanny soon. And I know trying to limp along like this is adding to the existing damage, ultimately making it harder to heal.
Ohemgee what the f^ck was 2?! Seriously, I had four things on Wednesday and I was down to two when I started typing today and now I’ve lost the second one. Okay, I’m just going to finish the next part and circle back to this and hope I have something. If not, I’ll just rant about the price of cold cuts.
Have you tried to buy cold cuts lately?! A full two dollars higher than the regular price. And at a time of year when they’re usually on sale for a dollar below regular.
jk. I actually remembered the real second point. To be honest, it seems kind of lame after all of the hype. And it’s not as fully formed as I thought, which is probably why I forgot it. Looping back to #1 (that’s Wednesday thought 1, not the first part of the post), I’m being good. I’m making sure I eat the RDA servings of fruits & veggies every day. I snack on grapes or watermelon in the evening. I really consider going outside for a walk and have even gotten my hand on the doorknob before remembering how much I hate sweating and interacting with neighbors. I’ve lost ten pounds since Memorial Day weekend. And I’m doing the dishes four to five days every week. And slowly getting things put away in the craft room. And reviewing the positives of the day before bed. And I still feel like death walking.
Sorry Wednesday Thoughts were such a downer. I can’t remember anything about the other two, so let’s just assume they were, well, less gloomy we’ll say.
2nd Bonus Post: Take Your Pirate to Work Day
I actually meant to call it Take Your Skeleton to Work Day, but I posted it on Facebook as Pirate and that actually makes more sense anyway. Most of us take our skeletons to work (school, store, oil change, grandma’s house, etc) every day. They just don’t usually require a separate seat in the car.
The summer reading treasure hunt at the library was today. I brought Uley, in the guise of Pirate Queen No-Beard, to oversee it.
A coworker, probably Melissa but I’m not totally sure, drew the octopus. Stacy found a pirate hat since I don’t have one.
The hunt seemed like a success. The families had fun. Or put on a really good act.
My contribution to kids’ summer reading is over. I can change Uley’s outfit. I wish I could spend more time hiding in the back.
Obviously I don’t have an ending for any of today’s posts. Because to outsiders (meaning the people who don’t live inside my head) I’m functioning just fine, but I know I’m one step away from collapse.
Hey, look. I guess I did have a nifty wrap-up after all.
*Not to be confused with anything copyrighted or trademarked or otherwise owned by a huge megacorp that is very quick to sue over unlicensed use.