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More random than usual


Updated: Jun 23, 2021

1. my car is haunted

I opened the driver's door this morning and saw this. Ectoplasm. Ok, not really. But admit it, ectoplasm was your first thought, too. Or maybe melted vanilla ice cream. I can see that, too.

So here's the much shortened, not super gross version of the story -- with euphemisms:

Back in January I felt . . . unwell . . . one night. I was a little better in the morning so I drove to work. 45 minutes into my hour commute I was . . . unwell. All over myself and the steering wheel. On the seat. Splashed onto the dashboard and even the rear view mirror. So I cleaned up as best I could (I keep Windex wipes in my car but not for this reason), texted my boss, and drove another 45 minutes back home. With the window down, for obvious reasons. even tho it was less than 30F out. The next morning (I just needed to totally remove all of the contents of my stomach and I was fine) I stopped at the store for a car air freshener, again for obvious reasons. And I couldn't find any. So I got a pack of those froufrou wax melts (fresh laundry scent). I put a few out in the car for the next several days; it's not like they were going to melt. And when I didn't need them anymore I put the pack in the door pocket.

And now it's May and in the 80Fs every day. And they did melt. Inside their little plastic case, because I'm not totally inept (initially forgot the "not" there). Then they dribbled down through the cracks in the case and through the door pocket apparently. I'm just going to leave it. Trying to scrape that off would a) be difficult and b) scratch the hell out of the car. Nope, it melted this far, it can just keep melting until it's gone.

Hot metal. In the south. And it's not even Memorial Day. Yeah, it'll be fine.

Meanwhile my car smells laundry day fresh.

2. so is my computer

My lovely, tho admittedly ancient, iMac at home was off this morning. Which was weird because I almost never turn it off because unlike Windows-based computers the Mac doesn't have an update to run at least once a week. And it is kind of slow starting up. So I leave it on most of the time and only shut it down maybe once a month just in case it does need to update.

So I turned it on. Nothing. Checked all of the connections. Nothing. Wished I could call Roy from The IT Crowd. The surge protector light was green, so it was working. The printer's display screen was on, so it was also fine. At least I wouldn't have to fight with fuses in the basement if the only thing dead was the Mac.

But I loooooooove him. sob.

So I plugged the Mac into the surge protector space the printer had been in (because I knew it worked) and the printer into the Mac's space. And suddenly everything worked. I'm glad, yes, but wtf?!

3. there was a third item, but I don't remember what it was

Probably something about people using the public library today. It was horrible this morning, but I'm (hopefully) ending on a high note. Nice patron. Made his son say please when asking for computer help. Needy with a lot of questions, but he was pleasant about it which really makes such a difference.

47 minutes to go, so keep your fingers --

Shit. I'm here until 6:30, not 6:00. Well, hell.

p.s. Shit. No. That wasn't number 3 at all. So . . .

4. (but really 3. because the other 3. was just me babbling when I forgot what I actually meant to write) my amazing medical miracle breakthrough!

I got my veggie/herb garden started over the weekend. I did just way more than I planned. I was out for almost four hours when I went to come in after two. oh woe is me. Anyway, every time I sat on the retaining wall for a "quick break" I'd focus on all of the weeds and yank out whatever was in reach.

So needless to say I have swollen eyes and a rash on my arms. The rash is from virginia creeper, which is especially annoying because it always seems to come on a delay. Poison ivy, I know by the time I get out of the shower that my doom is at hand. But creeper sneaks in slowly starting 36-72 hours after the event.

This morning at the Circ Desk I watched first one little bump appear. Then a patch of very tiny bumps. Then another solo bump on the other arm. We're still disinfecting everything with Lysol wipes, so I wiped the rashy areas.

And it worked.

The itching stopped. Well, only my left arm. Right arm solo bump is still itchy, but it rubs against my shirt (the curse of C cups) as I type. The left arm rash has almost completely cleared.

Which led coworker/supervisor S and I discussing how I can use Lysol wipes to cure my swollen, itchy eyes. I decided botox-like dermal injections in the lids would be best. Unfortunately I don't have those kind of needles at home. Maybe a series of tiny pinpricks in the lids, then quickly -- and carefully -- run a Lysol wipe across the lids. Sure, it'll hurt like hand sanitizer on a paper cut, but it will totally be worth it to clear up all remaining allergy issues. It might even restore me to 20/20 vision! Who's o say it won't work?!

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