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May the Fourth


I was going to a post a Star Wars thing today. I had something about the newest SW movies and the books published right after the original trilogy came out and basically we're living in the reality of meh to totally derivative final trilogy (and beyond) movies but there is another reality that got the good movies. It probably wasn't very good and I'm not sure how coherent the whole thing was even inside my head let along how it would come out in words.

All irrelevant now.

Because it ahs been one of *those* days at work yesterday. It's only lunch time yet today is already shown it's going to be one we refer back to, as in, "Remember when we had all of those weird printing requests and everyone seemed to need something special and complicated and that one person couldn't spell the name of the county, the county she lives in!, so her e-mail never came through and then there was several yards of laminating for the person who offered $1000 reward for missing dog but balked at the copy/laminating charge? And we were curbside only just to add a complication level to it all? Yeah, that was the day the 'command seat' Circulation computer lost its damn mind."

So I can't really write a post during the down times at work because there are no down times today. And I'm trying to get the stats together for the monthly board meeting. And it's Tuesday which is the day I call the overdues. Buuuuut I can't work on it at home either because I can't figure out how to add a new post rather than edit the existing pages on my phone, probably because I didn't download the app, and now I'm miffed that I need the app to do something so basic to a blog as add a new post so I'm refusing to even look at the app.


I'm tired. And I managed to write a post about my inability to write a post, altho it is not the post I thought I wanted to write. Whatevs at this point.

Apologies to anyone reading this ever. Maybe I'll make a "just skip this post" tag. Then at least you were warned. Except I think on this site the tags show at the bottom of the post not the top. So you wouldn't know you should have skipped this post until you've already read the post and figured out all on your own that, yeah, you really should have just skipped this post. Which is probably the best summary of today.

May the Force be with you. And me. Please, dear god, let the Force be with me today.

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