I‘ve been trying to find wry humor — or at least punch drunk giggles — in the last couple of days so this blog isn’t just moans and grumps. Sorry, no luck. The best I can offer is this bit of advice: do not let your pet help you make lunch unless you like Cat Foot Salad. And I really don’t recommend Cat Foot Salad.
p.s. When you’re typing, somewhat in a coma, on your phone and you think you hit <space> but you didn’t and so you end up with “lunchunless” — that is a very funny looking set of letters. Like the Scrabble hand of the damned.
Which is as good a description of this week as any. Way better than anything I could come up with tonight. Oh, wait, I did come up with that. Just another example of what a lunchunless week it’s been.