So there are things I have to wonder if anyone else experiences or really is it just me. I think we all have at least a couple of weird things like that.
I didn't sleep well -- yeah, shocker -- the other night. I woke up almost two hours before the alarm would ring. I figured I wouldn't get back to sleep but I really needed it.
So after the required trip to the bathroom (when I failed to plug in the electric toothbrush, but that's a different problem) I tried to get comfy again and closed my eyes and . . .
had some kind of psychedelic flip book slideshow behind my eyes. Like I was looking through a really freaky kaleidoscope that someone spun at super speed.
Anyone know what I mean?
I guess maybe I'm hitting several stages of sleep including REM in a very short time. Or I have seizures while lucid dreaming. Or I have atypically vivid daydreams of what I think REM dreams should look like while staring at the inside of my eyelids.
I really don't know. It's a bit nauseating, like sleep motion sickness.
In other news: I have a lovely new deck.
And wrote another large check.
I'm not built for this. I'm designed to buy only on sale, save, spend only what you absolutely have to when you absolutely have to. This ho hum another day another $4000 mindset doesn't work for me.
$4000 seems to be the general price for projects. Okay, not the roof. Or the crazy overpriced painter #2 . But several estimates.
It reminds me of a story in Fables or possibly Fairest. Cinderella is on a job. Everything option she tries requires three days. She finally snaps and yells that she doesn't have three days. I want to stand in my backyard and yell, "I. Don't. Have. Four. Thousand. Dollars." at the universe.