I didn't get as much done on my peacock costume as I hoped at work, so I've been sewing since I finshed supper. Which wasn't that long ago as this was one of my late nights at work.
I'm pretty sure I had something that, if not actually witty and intelligent, was at least a bit more than "hey, I'm still alive." But I've spent the day fantasizing about popping my left eye out, just letting all of the gunk drain out, maybe a quick rinse in the socket with that hose dentists use and another quick drain. Then I could put the eye back in place with maybe no more annoying tics and sinus pressure.
Oh, the dream.
Anway, I am still here.
p. s. It actually rained tonight. I didn't forget how to drive in rain exactly . . . I just forgot how my windshield wipers work. I won't give you the whole long story, just that I tried to increase wiper speed by turn up the level of the defrost.
I don't think that was the dumbest thing I did today.