Not really, but only because I don't have emery boards. I use fancy pants diamond-point files.
I had my first ever professional pedicure. It was amaze-balls! I never ever say "amaze-balls." I think it's a ridiculous word. Phrase. Whatever. Also, I don't know that I'm using it correctly. Or spelling it correctly. But that's only because I never encountered something that was truly amaze-balls. Now I wonder why I've wasted so much of my life cutting my own toenails like a chump.
I think I'm hooked.
Wearing shoes feels like a crime.
Continuing with this 60s liberation theme, I haven't shaved my legs in a couple of weeks. I decided this is the winter I stop altogether. But I really really hate it when it's cold and my legs are stubbly and I get goose bumps which make the stubble stand out straight. Which is why I decided to start early before it gets consistently cold at night so hopefully the hair will be well past stubble stage by the time we get into goose bump weather.
I haven't really monitoring my progress. I can tell it's growing, and sometimes my legs feel a little weird, but it hasn't annoyed me. In general I keep my house pretty low lit. And it's not like I just sit around in the evenings and stare at my bare legs.
You know what is very brightly-lit? A nail salon. So I rolled up my jeans and soaked my feet and just aaaaahed in the massage chair. And I thought, this is great, this is just what I needed if I don't get all of the dead skin flayed off of my heels. And the technician finished up the mani she'd been working on when I entered and helped her daughter finally decide on a color for her nails and a color for her toes and it was time to clip and flay and I put my feet up on the towel and holy mother . . .
So my legs look like every 90s butch lesbian stereotype cartoon.
I'm def not a 90s kid. And I'm not a lesbian (it's fine if you are, it's just not my thing). But I have been wearing plaid flannel shirt in lieu of a coat on chilly morning, so maybe I'm a bit butch. I'm just flannel + miles of tulle. Lite butch. But I've got the hairy legs to balance any fairy princess tendencies I have left.
p.s. Happy 200th post!