I'm not even sure where we left off. I've done things (mostly work, but also swam in a real pool) and gone places (visited Bestie and we used her Y membership to swim in a real pool).
And I had a pretty minor pancreas + liver upset after eating a really delicious (and rich and fatty) Italian meal with Bestie. It was more discomfort than pain, but still. I thought it was over after surgery. So I'm going back to the healthier (not extreme) diet and no alcohol.
I wrote sixteen silly rhyming scavenger hunt clues. It's been like the Cat in the Hat and Sam I Am took over my brain. I can barely form normal sentences.
And I'm still working on my data analyst certificate. I finished the second course and into the third. Getting more into the nuts and bolts of working with data, which is harder but way more interesting.
All of which explains why you haven't heard much from me: I'm dull. Just incredibly boring. Banality queen.
p.s. I miss travel. Sort of. It's complicated. I know my anxiety couldn't take it -- airports and passports and obnoxiously drunk passengers (I've never been on a flight without at least a pair). But I realized I really really really miss staying in nice hotels with pools.
p.p.s. And since we're still talking about swimming -- I can wear an older bathing suit which I (ahem) outgrew before it wore out in the fanny. I've kept off the acute-pancreatitis-bowel-cleanse weight so far. I also have a couple of shorts that have been a bit tight (okay, couldn't even zip) the last few years.
I think I'll end here on this happy note. I'll try to have a coherent and amusing thought again soon.