Today is my cat's birthday. She seemed to understand as she looked extra sad when I left for work. So everyone think extra nice thoughts for the poor thing home alone all day on her birthday.
Which actually segues nicely into what I planned to write today.
Thoughts. Nice thoughts. Kind thoughts.
Jenny Lawson (aka thebloggess) posted on her blog yesterday about going to a concert while battling a depression reoccurrence. She wrote some wonderful things that I'm sure were difficult to get down. (Her post today is a compilation video of her pets help write, so go ahead and keep reading.)
This morning a friend reposted a meme on Facebook. Black background, white letters: I wish none of you were sad. (I'm not 100% sure where the post originated, but all credit goes to them, the unknown memer.) And there were the usual Facebook comments -- nothing too negative, just preachy more than anything. But also plenty along the lines of, "Thank you. I need this today."
The two posts -- blog + Facebook meme -- helped remind me that there are lots of us struggling. Too many of us who need a simple kind word. And that you don't have to say the right thing with greatest eloquence or make a huge grand gesture to someone who is hurting. A simple kind word -- that is the right thing to say when someone is fighting just to get through the day. It could be the word that helps them continue fighting tomorrow.
All of this may seem like quite the downer on this, day of my fur-daughter's birthday. Just believe me, even if you can't understand, that reading those posts helped me fight through another day.
But I'll sign off with the first pics I took of 7-month-old baby demon Torii.