Yesterday I wrote a post titled something like "not looking forward not looked back" and then went through all the sh+t 2023 put me through. So it git saved as a draft and will sit in that folder 3-9 months and then I'll scan through it and I probably won't remember writing it and I might even have forgotten some of the 2023 misery by then. And then I'll delete it.
So let's try this again.
It's New Year's Eve 2023. (Probably. For unknown reasons I thought it was New Year's Day 2024 when I went to the store this morning.) I went to bed at 4pm, about two hours ago. I may or may not get up long enough to eat leftover pizza for supper.
So 2023 was not a good time. I won't claim it sucked for everyone. A coworker has been fixing up her house abd got married and seems pretty okay, altho you never really know what's going on in someone else's life.
The people I do know best have struggled in a lot of ways this year. So have I. So I'm not doing the bittersweet goodbye. Less than six hours and this year is finished. 'Bout time.
I texted Bestie Happy New Year in case I just sleep through the next twelve hours. Seems like the best plan frankly.
Whether it's been a good year, a bad year, or just another 365 days around the sun for you, stay safe. Celebrate or hide, as you choose. We'll talk later.