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gettin’ healthy is like mono only worse


I'm having a reaction to one of the meds. That I'm taking three meds daily and having problems with only one is really a surprise.

It's the blood pressure med. I've been extra tired this last week and a half. How is that even possible? An excellent question, but unfortunately one I'm just too knackered to answer.

I took a couple of days off, as I usually do mid-December, to put up Christmas decorations, wrap Christmas presents, mail Christmas cards -- you get the picture. I slept more than I was awake on Sunday. Monday I got the 45 foot tree up with two strands of lights and the star on top. I got three more strands of lights up on Tuesday, then addressed the cards (I didn't have enough presents to justify setting up a table and getting out all of the wrapping supplies) and went to bed at 9:30 for another ten hours of sleep.

There are no ornaments on the tree. No, I take that back. There is a small tassel on a ribbon on the tree. It came off of something I bought recently and I'd just set it on the mantle and noticed it and decided it should go on the tree.

I had to take long rest breaks between each task. Many tasks, like the tree, were divided into stages with long rests between each stage, too.

During one of these rests on Tuesday morning, I realized that not only were my legs shaky, but I couldn't catch my breath. I think I had just finished some Herculean labor like washing dishes. Now I may be overweight and out of shape -- well, no maybe, I definitely am -- but I can do basic housework without gasping for air. Or at least I could.

So I decided this can't be right and messaged my doctor.

Oh, and I realized today that I've lost maybe fifteen pounds since I started the bp med on December 3rd. Fifteen pounds in eleven days. Which is absurd if I haven't been stranded in the wilderness with a broken leg. And it's not even that I lost the weight. I haven't done squat but sit and get winded. The weight lost me. It just up and left.

There was a Doctor Who episode about that. Ten and Donna, I think.

So I think my doctor is changing the prescription. I think. Her nurse called me at work. Miracle I was at my phone to get rhe call and we didn't waste two days swapping "sorry I missed you" voicemails. Anyway, between the background noise of the library and background noise of the medical office, I only caught bits.

So that's why I haven't posted for a few days. Too exhausted to blog.

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