I'm collecting omens of ill fortune today. So far I have:
1. my toast fell of the counter and landed butter side down
If you know Terry Pratchett's Discworld (not a paid ad I just really really really love the books), you know this is a sign that the auditors of reality, who hate humanity, are out and about and causing trouble. I'd have to check the books -- probably Hogfather maybe another Death/Susan book -- but I believe it's referred to as the malignancy. Or something equally doomful.
2. this
There were wild turkeys in and beside the road on the way to work. A lot of turkeys. This is just a few of them. Like maybe a quarter of them. At most. I sent this picture to a friend because she understands about the toast butter side down omen and I wondered what this many turkeys is called because the basic bird terms like flock or gaggle do not apply. I planned to look it up but Shaina got it before me.
A death row of turkeys.
Seriously. A bunch of turkeys can be called a flock or a gaggle or even a rafter(?). Gang or mob of turkeys is also valid (because juvenile males will form gangs to beat up adult males). Or a death row of turkeys (same reason as gang and mob).
Okay, now I'm scared.