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Does the little “100” mean this is post #100? Or is it just how many characters I’m allowed per titl


Updated: Jan 12, 2022

I opened to Wix app with a specific thing I wanted to write.

Wix dashboard showed me my last three posts.

And then offered to show me 97 more.

Holy crap. Is randomlymisha 100 posts old? Really?

I started to scroll and count. Then that seemed like a bad idea because I knew I wouldn’t/couldn’t trust whatever total I had by the end.

All of this of course means that by the time I got around to creating a new post, I had no idea what I had planned to write.

But goodgollygoshgeewhiz — 100 posts. That seems pretty damned impressive for someone who often begins posts with a ridiculous reason as to why she can’t remember what she intended to write.

Or maybe it’s only 98. Maybe this is post 104 and we actually crossed the milestone a week ago when we weren’t paying attention. I’m still impressed. And proud of this little blog that no one visits. Some days I am a little sad that it’s just me here but then I think of it like being on a gorgeous beach with nobody else around. There’s no one to help me put sunscreen on my back or bring me a margarita, but the peace is just so lovely and I don’t have to get all freaked over how I look in a bathing suit. It’s a reasonable trade-off.

p.s. I remembered the original post idea a couple of paragraphs ago but I was in the milestone post flow at the time. So anyway here it is. . .

“‘And, honestly, do I have the time to spearhead a cult? I ask you. No, I do not.’

Sir Crispin was staring at her in a sort of awed disgust. ‘The working of your mind is a thing of great beauty and profound horror.’”

- from Defy or Defend by Gail Carriger

This is the sort of quote I would usually share with Shaina. (Note: I can’t remember if I’m still being coy about using real names — or initials? or odd descriptive nicknames? — and I damn well give up. I know a woman named Shaina. Make of it what you will.)

And it’s not that oh I’m not speaking to her right now. Because we have spoken (well, texted) several times over the last week. Quite amicable. But there is a divide and I just don’t feel like crossing it at the moment. So ta-da you get the random spillage from my brain. Which I’m pretty sure I said was the purpose of this blog.

100+ posts (maybe) and counting.

p.p.s. (Shit what was I going to write? I just had it. Like 2 seconds ago.) duh.

This is not a paid endorsement for Gail Carriger. But her Finishing School series is a lot of fun, especially if you’re into insanely wide hooped skirts, tea and scones, steampunk, and characters who don’t take themselves too seriously.

p.p.p.s. I’m almost certain I thought of a third postscript right on the heels of the second and then forgot both when I andohemgeeIknowwhatitwas

100 (probably) posts and again I panic when I only get the option to save as a draft but I want to save and publish and after several tries I noticed that it was save untitled as a draft and of course it won’t let me actually publish the post until I name the post.

p.p.p.p.s (Hopefully the correct amount of ps.) I think I used up my daily allotment of intelligence driving home. Thanks, Kentucky snowstorm, for making me look dumber ‘n toast to my readers.

p.p.p.p.p.s. Yeah, now I’m just being silly. But long before any of the rest of this meshuga post began, like back all the way to 8:30 this morning, I took this pic of Uley* and planned to share it with y’all:

Uley eagerly awaits his first snow.

*If you’re new here, Uley is my Hallowe’en present to myself. He’s a skeleton. So far he’s not as good at keeping neighbors from knocking as I’d hoped, but he’s a good egg and I’m quite fond of him anyway.

Also if you’re new here, are you okay? Like seriously, how did you get here and is this really where you meant to be? Blink twice if you need help.

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