I just got on Wix to tell someone (that's you, lucky reader) that I'm about to go down to the basement to turn on the gas to my water heater so I can relight the pilot and have warm water again. And that if I don't check back in, say, 10 minutes, I either blew up the house or have succumbed to natural gas fumes.
But then I saw the weirdest thing on my dashboard -- 6 recent post views. 6! So if any of those new viewers come back for a second dose, Hi and welcome. I'll be honest, you startled me. But make yourself at home. Can I get you a virtual snack or drink?
Hopefully I don't kill myself with the whole water heater mess.
Okay, it's 3:53 and I'm back. I did it! I turned on the gas and relit the pilot! I think. Well, I know I did because the light is blinking (1 blink for normal) and I can hear it heating. Now I'll just keep the carbon monoxide detector with me at all times until I'm sure I'm not killing us.
Three days? A week? How long until I feel safe?
I could go into / whine about why my water heater was off, but I have something so much more important today.
My nephew is officially my nephew! Today was Adoption Day! <excited Kermit arm waves> We had the same judge who presided at my niece's adoption way back in February 2020.
I need a nap. Which I'm pretty sure is because it's been a long day with driving in the sun and sitting in a courthouse and eating great Italian food. I've got the CO detector right here if not.
Happy Easter if I don't post again before Sunday.